Police armed vehicles outside Iran International's headquarters in London, November 19, 2022

Israel Informed MI5 Of Threats Against Iranians In UK: Media

Wednesday, 11/23/2022

Israeli media say the Mossad informed Britain’s spy agency about threats against Iranian citizens in Britain, especially journalists.

Israel’s Channel 11 reported Monday that the information was about the threat facing two journalists working for Iran International TV channel in London.

In early November, Iran International in a statement said that two of its British-Iranian journalists have been notified of serious threats against them.

“The Metropolitan Police have now formally notified both journalists that these threats represent an imminent, credible and significant risk to their lives and those of their families. Other members of our staff have also been informed directly by the Metropolitan Police of separate threats,” added the statement.

The network blamed the IRGC saying, “These lethal threats to British citizens on British soil come after several weeks of warnings from the IRGC and Iranian government about the work of a free and uncensored Farsi-language media working in London.”

Last week, the Scotland Yard positioned armed vehicles outside the Iran International building in London.

Britain’s MI5 said on November 16 that UK authorities have discovered at least 10 “potential threats” since January to “kidnap or even kill British or UK-based individuals perceived as enemies of the regime.”

Faced with nationwide antigovernment protests since mid-September, the Islamic Republic has blamed foreign-based Persian broadcasters such as BBC Persian and Iran International of “fomenting unrest”, while all media in the country are under tight government control and present protesters as “rioters” and “terrorists”.

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