Zeynab Kazempour, who removed her headscarf during the annual assembly of Tehran Construction Engineering Organization on February 17, 2023

Video Of Woman Unveiling At Tehran Engineers Event Goes Viral

Friday, 02/17/2023

Video of a woman in Iran who threw away her veil after being banned from becoming a candidate because of her improper hijab, has gone viral. 

Zeynab Kazempour removed her headscarf on Friday during the annual assembly of Tehran Construction Engineering Organization after the board of directors did not allow her to run as a candidate for the board. 

She then made a short statement on the stage, saying that "I don't recognize the assembly that doesn't allow candidates to run because they don't wear a headscarf." The participants of the meeting were applauding her as she threw away her scarf before leaving the stage. 

Sharing the video on social media, some users have emphasized that conditions in the country will not never return to the period before before the nationwide uprising and the government cannot force the hijab on women anymore.

Since the current wave of protests ignited across Iran following the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, many Iranian women took off their headscarves in public and even set fire to some headscarves as a sign of opposition to the mandatory hijab.

Earlier in the week, some members of the National Library of Iran protested the suspension of several female members for not complying with the "mandatory hijab".

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