Prominent Political Activist Arrested At His Home In Tehran

Iranian political activist Abdollah Momeni
Iranian political activist Abdollah Momeni

Iranian political activist and a former political prisoner, Abdollah Momeni, was arrested in his home in Tehran on Thursday.

While searching his house the security agents also seized his telephone and laptop.

Momeni is one of over 400 civil and political activists who, in a statement had said that the only violence-free and democratic solution for transitioning from the Islamic Republic is "appeal to the nation's votes by holding a free referendum.”

The detention of Momeni is part of a recent wave of arrests of political and civil activists, including Qorban Behzadianejad, Keyvan Samimi and Alireza Beheshti Shirazi.

The charges against these people have not been announced yet, but it seems they were arrested after participating in the "Dialogue to Save Iran" conference.

Over 40 political, social and human rights activists from inside and outside Iran for the first time attended a virtual conference called “Dialog To Save Iran” on Friday.

The meeting, which was held on Club House social media platform, also heard from eight detained activists who sent messages from inside prisons in Iran.

In his message, Keyvan Samimi, a journalist and political activist, who was rearrested last week, said Iranians everywhere should form a united national front to get rid of oppression.

Imprisoned human rights activist Narges Mohammadi also said in a message that “To save Iran, we must end the tyrannical, anti-woman regime and make a peaceful and low-cost transition for the people.”