Over 40 Activists Discuss Ways To Form United Front To Save Iran

Saturday, 04/22/2023

Over 40 political, social and human rights activists from inside and outside Iran for the first time attended a virtual conference called “Dialog To Save Iran”.

The meeting, which was held on Club House social media platform Friday, also heard from eight detained activists who sent messages from inside prisons in Iran.

Hashem Aghajari, a political activist and university professor referred to the last statement of the Green Movement leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi saying that with a deep understanding of the changes in Iranian society, Mousavi came to the conclusion that reform through electoral mechanisms is impossible.

Back in February, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who was a presidential candidate in 2009 and has been under house arrest since 2011, issued a statement saying that the rulers of the Islamic Republic are not willing “to take the smallest step to meet the demands of the people.” He further added that Iran needs a “fundamental change” based on “Woman, Life, Freedom” motto and constitutional change.

Meanwhile, Mehrdad Khansari, a political activist and former diplomat, emphasized that Iran is facing a huge crisis adding that a strong front must be formed inside the country to challenge the regime.

In a message from prison, Keyvan Samimi, a journalist and political activist, who was rearrested Thursday, said Iranians inside and outside the country should form a united national front to get rid of oppression.

Imprisoned human rights activist Narges Mohammadi also said in a message that “To save Iran, we must end the tyrannical, anti-woman regime and make a peaceful and low-cost transition for the people.”

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