A demonstrator shouts slogans during a protest against the Iranian regime, following the death of Mahsa Amini, near the Iranian consulate in Istanbul, Turkey October 11, 2022.

Activists Say UN Not Doing Enough For Women In Iran On Eve Of Women's Day

Thursday, 03/07/2024

Activists in Iran have called on the United Nations to do more for women's rights in Iran, demanding an expansion to the fact finding mission established to investigate systematic abuses and gender based violence.

US-based Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) released a statement stressing the urgent need for action: "Iranian women face executions, compulsory hijab laws, and oppressive violence. It's imperative for the global community to pay attention to activists uncovering layers of injustice and pressure the Iranian government to respect women's rights."

As March 8 marks International Women's Day, the groups said "Iranian women confront deep-rooted gender inequalities amidst exploitation and violence. Despite nationwide protests and the brave resistance of Iranian women, ruling elites persist in enforcing oppressive laws".

Iran has the highest rate of female executions globally. Additionally, over the past 10 months, at least 100 girls fell victim to "honor killings" by male relatives amid family disputes.

Since protests erupted in 2022, the Iranian judiciary has increasingly targeted online activities, leading to numerous prosecutions. Compulsory hijab regulations persist, resulting in a surge of arrests, imprisonments, and severe sentences, exacerbating human rights violations.

"The systematic targeting of women by the Iranian government is evident through derogatory language and heinous acts like sexual violence," stated a human rights advocate.

Expanding the mandate to analyze structural issues underlying current and historical violations against women is vital, added the statement.

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