Iran’s ruler Ali Khamenei speaking to media after he cast his vote in the elections, March 1, 2024

Iran's Supreme Leader Silent After Election Boycott

Monday, 03/04/2024

Three days after Iran's elections in which as much as 90 percent of the country boycotted the polls, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remains silent, shamed by the country's rejection of the sham elections.

It is the lowest turnout in the regime's history, with voting figures ranging from 10 to 27 percent, reflecting the government's struggle to retain legitimacy in the face of mass discontent.

While Khamenei stays silent, other regime officials attempt to portray the elections in a positive light, with Minister of Interior Ahmad Vahidi labeling them as "magnificent" and boasting of "the highest standards." However, the claims lack substantiation.

Despite efforts to boost participation, including extending voting hours, the government failed to bring people to the polls. The elections also mark the first since the 2022 mass protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, further highlighting underlying tensions within the nation.

Out of the 290 parliamentary races, results show that Iranian hardline politicians maintained dominance, winning 200 out of the 245 decided seats. The remaining 45 seats will proceed to runoff elections due to candidates failing to secure the mandatory 20% of the vote.

The delay in announcing turnout statistics coupled with limited international observation underscores the opaque nature of Iranian elections.

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