Police officers stand near the Israeli embassy, on the day an object believed to be an explosive device was found and destroyed by the national bomb squad according to police, in Stockholm, Sweden January 31, 2024.

Sweden Reveals Iranian Plot To Murder Jews

Wednesday, 02/07/2024

A Swedish Radio investigation has revealed that two Iranians were deported following a murder plot to kill Swedish Jews.

A Swedish Radio investigation has revealed that two Iranians were deported following a murder plot to kill Swedish Jews.

The couple, Mahdi Ramezani and Fereshteh Sanaeifarid, who had entered Sweden in 2015 on forged Afghan passports seeking asylum, were deported in 2022 after their arrest in 2021.

They had targeted three Swedish Jews including Aron Verständig, Chair of the Official Council of Swedish Jewish communities, who was informed of the plot in 2021. One of the other potential targets was a dual US citizen, according to the Swedish Radio report.

The suspects, believed to have been part of an IRGC plot, lived under fake identities in the country.

“I think that what Iran wants to do is to harm Israel and I think it’s very difficult for them to do these kinds of things in Israel. So instead they are randomly choosing people who have some kind of official position in the Jewish diaspora and trying to create fear," Verständig told the radio station, though it is unclear why the case has only gone public now.

Deputy chief prosecutor Hans Ihrman said the FBI in the US was also investigating the couple. While there was not enough evidence to prosecute in Sweden, Ihrman said: “We have strong belief that they were here on a mission on behalf of Iran. They were seen here in Sweden as a very severe security threat. And that's the reason why they were expelled, even if we couldn't prosecute them."

Jews and Israelis abroad have increasingly been targets of the regime in recent years, plots foiled in countries including Greece, Cyprus, Azerbaijan and Argentina.

Last year, Sweden's parliament voted to designate the IRGC and relations between the two countries are ever more strained since 2019 and the arrest of a former Iranian jailor, Hamid Nouri. Sweden sentenced him to life imprisonment last year over executions of political prisoners in 1988.

A series of high profile arrests of Swedish citizens has followed as Iran's hostage-diplomacy continues.

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