UK’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverly on December 12, 2023

UK Issues Sanctions Against Violators Of Women’s Rights In Iran

Wednesday, 03/08/2023

The UK has issued sanctions against global violators of women’s human rights, including Iran's morality enforcing outfit and its top official on the International Women's Day.

The Headquarters for Enjoining Right and Forbidding Evil in Iran, and its head official Mohammed Saleh Hashemi Golpayegani have been responsible for women, highlighted by the deaths of at least 66 women since protests began in September, according to rights group HRANA.

It follows the launch of a new Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Women and Girls Strategy - announced on International Women’s Day - which sets out plans to tackle gender inequality across the globe.

Those sanctioned on Wednesday also include Major General James Nando, who commanded the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces, the main perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence in Tambura County in 2021.

Additionally, the list included Mahamat Salleh Adoum Kette, in Central Africa Republic (CAR), who has overseen rape and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence committed by Front Populaire pour la Renaissance de la Centrafrique (FPRC) and Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC) fighters.

Amjad Youssef, a member in ‘227 Region Branch’, who has been involved in repressing the civilian population in Syria, including through systematic rape and killing of civilians, was also listed.

The UK’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said: “These sanctions send a clear message that the perpetrators of abhorrent gender-based violence must be held accountable.

“We are increasing our efforts to stand up for women and girls, and will use all the tools at our disposal to tackle the inequalities which remain.”

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