Clashes between Taliban and Iranian forces. December 1, 2021

Iranian Forces Clash With Taliban On Border - Local Reports

Wednesday, 12/01/2021

According to eyewitnesses, Iranian forces clashed with the Taliban on the border in Nimruz region of Afghanistan, Afghan International reported on Wednesday.

The report quoting local residents in southwestern Afghanistan said that Iranian forces crossed into Afghan territory.

Amaj News based in Kabul also quoted local sources as saying that Iranian forces used heavy weapons and the Taliban dispatched armored American Humvees to confront Iran’s border troops.

The Taliban seized a large quantity of light and heavy American weaponry when they overran the country in August.

Later, Tasnim News affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard reported that a "misunderstanding" led Taliban forces to open fire at some Iranian civilians who very close to the border line, and Iranian troops replied. The website stressed that the clashes have ended.

The Islamic Republic first welcomed the Taliban victory, presenting it as a defeat for the United States, but later terror attacks against Shiite Afghans led to protests in Iran and warnings from Tehran that the Taliban must protect minorities. Iran has also been demanding an inclusive government in Afghanistan, while the Taliban have kept their tight control.

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