Iran's Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi

Argentina Requests Interpol Arrest Of Iranian Minister Over 1994 Bombing

Wednesday, 04/24/2024

The Argentine government has requested Interpol to issue a red alert for the arrest of Iran's Interior Minister in connection with the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people.

The foreign ministry disclosed its request on Tuesday while Ahmad Vahidi is traveling as part of a presidential delegation visiting Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The bombing at the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) is among the deadliest terrorist attacks in Argentina and remains unresolved, with the involvement of the Iran-backed group Hezbollah suspected by both Argentina and Israel.

Following recent court findings that officially implicated Iran and Hezbollah in the attack, the Argentine government is intensifying efforts to bring those responsible to justice.

"Argentina seeks the international arrest of those responsible for the AMIA attack of 1994, which killed 85 people, and who remain in their positions with total impunity. One of them is Ahmad Vahidi, sought by Argentine justice as one of those responsible for the attack against AMIA," said the statement by the foreign ministry.

In addition to Interpol, Argentina has reached out to the governments of Pakistan and Sri Lanka, urging them to detain Vahidi.

The statement from the foreign ministry emphasized the pursuit of justice for the AMIA bombing, describing it as a "crime against humanity" and criticizing the continued impunity of those involved.

The court ruling earlier this month also attributed a 1992 bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, which killed 29, to Iran and Hezbollah, branding Iran a "terrorist state".

Iran has consistently denied any role in the attacks, a position that has contributed to ongoing strained diplomatic relations with Argentina.

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