The Iranian Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri

Iran's Military Chief Hails Israel Attack 'Proud Operation'

Tuesday, 04/16/2024

The Iranian Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, called the recent attack on Israel a "historical and proud operation."

He said that the aerial bombardment represents a new level of military capabilities and a new defense policy of Iran against the world, not acknowledging the fact that 99 percent of the 350 plus drones and missiles were intercepted by Israel and its allies.

An Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson said all of the 170 drones and 30 cruise missiles were destroyed before reaching the borders of Israel, and most of the 120 ballistic missiles were intercepted with the help of Israel's long-range Arrow air defense system.

Meanwhile, the firebrand Tehran Friday Prayer Leader, Ahmad Khatami, said on Tuesday that: "After the IRGC attacked Israel, they scared the people, saying Israel will do this and that to them. But they couldn’t do anything. Even in the Security Council, they were unable to pass a resolution."

The United Nations Security Council held a special session in New York on Sunday over the attack but refrained from condemning Iran's activities.

US Ambassador Robert Wood called on the council to speak out against "aggressive actions" from Iran, while asking for an end to attacks by the Islamic Republic, its partners, and proxies. No resolution was offered, and the session ended without an agreed-upon formal statement or vote.

The bombardment was a retaliation for the April 1 alleged Israeli air strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus which killed two senior Quds Force commanders and several IRGC personnel. Iran said the attack on Israel was a legitimate means of self defence following the Syria strike. Israel has not taken credit for the operation.

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