Anisa Fanaiyan

Iranian Baha'i Sentenced To 16 Years In Prison

Monday, 03/11/2024

Anisa Fanaiyan, an Iranian Baha'i has been sentenced to 16 years in prison and fined 500 million rials (approximately $850) by the Semnan Revolutionary Court.

Additionally, Fanaiyan has been deprived of social rights for 15 years and faces a two-year prohibition from joining political and social groups.

The court verdict states that Fanaiyan has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for "establishing and managing a group with the intention of undermining national security," five years for "deviant educational and propagandistic activities contrary to Islamic law," and one year of probation for "propaganda against the Islamic Republic system."

Furthermore, the court has ordered the confiscation of $4,350 of personal assets belonging to Fanaiyan's family members, seized during a residence inspection, in favor of the government.

Three other Baha'i citizens have been summoned to the Second Branch of the Sari Revolutionary Court on charges including "deviant educational and propagandistic activities contrary to Islamic law in Baha'i groups" amid crackdowns on the minority group.

The legal case for two other Baha'i citizens has been referred to the First Branch of the Babol Revolutionary Court on similar charges.

In recent months, pressures from security and judicial authorities on Bahai citizens have escalated. Unofficial sources estimate that over 300,000 Bahai citizens reside in Iran. However, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic only recognizes Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism as official religions.

Bahais constitute the largest religious minority in Iran and have faced systematic harassment and persecution since the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

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