Photo of Anahita Amirpour, published by Hengaw Human Rights Organization

Shooting Of Iranian Student Sparks Controversy

Sunday, 01/21/2024

Anahita Amirpour, a 20-year-old student, was shot dead by plainclothes intelligence ministry agents in the city of Borujerd, Lorestan province.

It is believed that Amirpour, a first-semester physical education student at Azad University lost her life when intelligence forces pursued the car she was in. The car's driver, M. Jalayi-far, also a student and Borujerd resident, sustained severe injuries and is currently hospitalized.

Hengaw Human Rights Organization, a Kurdish rights group, says the intelligence forces claim the incident was linked to a recent terror attack in Kerman. Two explosions during the fourth memorial of former IRGC commander Qasem Soleimani on January 3 killed around 90 people in Kerman. The strategy aims to reframe the intentional killing as part of a scripted security case.

It is not clear why the agents tried to stop the car, although some speculate that it could be hijab enforcement related.

Rights group sources indicate that as the plainclothes forces approached the students' car, instructing them to stop and exit the vehicle, the intimidated driver panicked and attempted to flee. Subsequently, the intelligence forces opened fire and seized the car.

Over the past two days, security entities have reportedly pressured the families and friends of the victims not to disclose information about the incident. Two personnel from Chamran Hospital were also summoned and threatened by intelligence authorities.

While security and law enforcement authorities in Borujerd have not issued public statements, Governor Moslem Moradi vaguely referenced the incident, attributing it to recent terrorist attacks and confrontations with criminal elements. Hengaw sources reject Moradi's claims, emphasizing that intelligence forces deliberately targeted the students, leading to Amirpour's death.

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