Canada To Submit Case Against Iran On Downed Ukrainian Plane To ICAO

Canada will forward the case concerning Iran's Revolutionary Guard's missile strike on a Ukrainian plane to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Rob Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, shared the information in an interview with Iran International, bemoaning Iran's lack of accountability.
The incident occurred on January 8, 2020, when Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752 was shot down by two air-defense missiles fired by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shortly after departing from Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport.
Hamed Esmaeilion, a board member of the association of Flight PS752, has been in discussions with the Canadian government to file a case against Iran at the ICAO.
Oliphant emphasized the importance of having all evidence and documents to ensure the implementation of justice, saying that filing a complaint with the ICAO is seen as a crucial step towards providing relief to the families affected by the incident.
In May, four nations—Britain, Canada, Sweden, and Ukraine—officially lodged complaints against Iran at the International Court of Justice, accusing the Islamic Republic of intentionally shooting down the plane.
Despite acknowledging the prolonged process and the challenges posed by Iran's lack of cooperation, Oliphant clarified that Canada remains committed to seeking justice for the victims and their families. He expressed concerns about Iran's unwillingness to provide answers and highlighted the difficulty of dealing with a partner lacking goodwill.
"The reality is we're dealing with the Iranian regime. This is not dealing with a good faith partner. We're dealing with a regime that we can't get answers from," said Oliphant. However, he made it clear that the extended process does not signal a withdrawal from the pursuit of justice.