A missile exhaust trail and cloud from explosions on Chabahar sky (January 10, 2024)

Rockets Crash Into Iranian Plant During IRGC Exercise

Wednesday, 01/10/2024

Rockets launched by Iran's Revolutionary Guards during the Great Prophet 18 war games malfunctioned, crashing into a petrochemical plant in Chabahar, southeast Iran.

Videos shared on social media captured the moments when workers fled as the rockets descended.

Earlier reports revealed images of missile launches from the Oman Sea towards Sistan and Baluchestan province, with one missile impacting the Chabahar Petrochemical complex. The Mehr News Agency attributed the sounds and videos of air defense activation to naval exercises conducted by the Revolutionary Guards. The news agency claimed investigations are underway.

Videos released by the Halvash website, covering developments in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, showed multiple missile launches from the sea towards Chabahar, resulting in devastating explosions and thick smoke.

Eyewitnesses told Halvash that more than five rockets were fired from the eastern side of the city. Two rockets exploded mid-air, while approximately three hit the internal section and one struck the external part of the Chabahar Petrochemical complex. There were no reported casualties.

Chabahar's governor attributed the observed smoke in the sky to the Revolutionary Guards' maneuver, urging the public “not to worry.”

Local sources revealed that the explosions were audible throughout Chabahar, causing fear and panic among residents.

In a separate incident earlier on Wednesday, an attack on a police station in the Rask county of Sistan and Baluchestan province resulted in the death of a police officer. The militant group Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility for the attack.

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