People tour the deck of the Galaxy Leader commercial ship, seized by Yemen's Houthis last month, off the coast of al-Salif, Yemen December 5, 2023.

US Told Israel Not To Respond Directly To Houthis - WSJ

Thursday, 12/07/2023

The United States has urged Israel not to respond directly to drone and missile attacks by Tehran-backed Yemeni Houthis, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

“The US has told Israel to let the American military respond to the Houthis,” read the report, adding that Washington believes a response from the Israeli army “could expand the conflict” in the region.

Though the Islamic Republic has avoided any direct military involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict, the regime has used its allies such as Houthis and Hezbollah to attack Israel and American targets in the region.

Houthis have intensified their attacks since the truce agreement between Israel and Hamas collapsed on November 1.

On Sunday, an American warship and multiple commercial ships came under attack in the Red Sea.

Back in November, Yemen’s Houthis also seized a cargo ship called “Galaxy Leader” in the southern Red Sea as it was sailing from Turkey to India.

US National Security spokesman John Kirby took Iran to task on Wednesday for destabilizing the region by providing financial and military assistance to extremist militant groups, such as Yemeni Houthis.

“We know that the Houthis are supported by Iran, not just politically and philosophically but, of course, with weapon systems,” he stressed.

Though US warships have intercepted most of the missiles and drones launched by Houthis of Yemen, the Biden administration is receiving more and more criticism over its failure to deter Iran and its proxies in the Middle East. 

“We need to start holding them responsible,” Senator Thom Tillis told Iran International on Wednesday. “I think the administration needs to take a firmer stance because we all know that this is aided and abetted by Iran.”

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