US Warns Against Iran, Russia Expanding Military Cooperation

White House national security spokes person John Kirby
White House national security spokes person John Kirby

US National Security spokesman John Kirby emphasized on Wednesday that Washington will continue to hold Tehran and Moscow accountable for their growing military ties.

Referring to Iran’s military assistance to Russia and to extremist militant groups in the Middle East, Kirby warned that the burgeoning relationship between Tehran and Moscowis not only not good for the Ukrainian people but it’s certainly not good for the region.”

If the Iranian regime avails itself of Russian military capabilities, it can become “more lethal and more dangerous to its neighbors,” he added against the backdrop of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to Russia on Thursday.

According to Kirby, the US Department of Treasury has sanctioned nine entities and five individuals who facilitated Moscow’s access to electronics with military applications.

The Department of Commerce has also slapped sanctions against 42 entities around the world for their activities against US interests, especially those engaged in Iran-Russia drone production.

The killings of innocent Ukrainians is partly carried out “through the use of Iranian drones,” Kirby stressed.

Since mid-2022, Iran has reportedly supplied hundreds of kamikaze Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Russia, which have been extensively used to target civilian infrastructure and cities.

Kirby also pointed to Iran’s backing of its proxy groups in the region, especially Yemen’s Houthis who have time and again attacked US and Israeli interests in the region.

“We know that the Houthis are supported by Iran, not just politically and philosophically but, of course, with weapon systems,” he pointed out.

Though the Islamic Republic has avoided any direct involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict, the regime has used its allies such as Houthis and Hezbollah to attack Israel and American targets.