Iranian Daily Warns Of Escalation After US Resolution On Frozen Assets

Saturday, 12/02/2023

In response to a resolution passed by the US House of Representatives this week to freeze Iran's $6 billion in unblocked funds, Kayhan newspaper in Tehran issued threats.

The hardliner publication, affiliated with office of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, asserted that such actions against Iran and its allies would pave the way for a new phase of attacks on US forces.

"Such an action against Iran and allied groups will justify for them to enter a new phase of inflicting painful blows on US forces and bases in the region," wrote Kayhan on Saturday.

However, it dismissed the likelihood of the US Congress and government implementing such a measure, citing potential repercussions. Kayhan suggested that such a move could accelerate Iran's nuclear program and lead to a halt in cooperation with international agencies.

The US House of Representatives passed the "No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act," aiming to permanently freeze Iran’s $6 billion, released as part of a prisoner swap deal in September.

Republicans have consistently opposed the 'hostage deal' since its announcement. However, their opposition has grown stronger, particularly since October 7, following the Hamas attack on Israel that resulted in 1,200 casualties and the taking of more than 200 hostages.

The bill reflects ongoing pressure on the Biden administration to adopt a tougher stance on Iran. Despite the bill's passage in the House, its future in the Senate remains uncertain, given the Democratic majority. Critics argue that the deal has emboldened Iran and its proxies, fueling tensions in the region.

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