Marines during a fire mission in northern Syria as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, March 24, 2017.

US Forces Targeted In Syria, No Casualties Reported

Wednesday, 11/29/2023

A US defense official told Iran International that a rocket attack targeted American troops at Mission Support Site Euphrates in Syria on Wednesday morning.

The official added that the attack left "no injuries or damages to infrastructure," noting that "This brings the total number of attacks (since mid-October) to 74 (36 in Iraq and 38 in Syria).”

Attacks on US troops in the region have intensified since Israel began its retaliatory offensive on Gaza in response to the Hamas attack of 7 October, which killed 1,200. Iran-backed militant groups in Iraq and Syria have claimed responsibility for the attacks, but Tehran denies any role, claiming that they are acting independently. However, the Islamic Republic calls these militant groups part of its axis of resistance against the United States and Israel. Almost every armed group that has targeted US forces in recent weeks is backed by or affiliated with the regime in Iran.

The American defense official added that he cannot speculate on future attacks, emphasizing that “Our forces in Iraq and Syria will stay focused on the mission we have at hand, which is preventing Daesh resurgence and advising, assisting and enabling our partner forces.”

The United States has 2,500 troops in Iraq, and 900 more in neighboring Syria, on a mission to advise and assist local forces in combating Islamic State, which in 2014 seized swathes of territory in both countries.

The official reiterated that US and Coalition forces “reserve the inherent right to self-defense.”

While Iran-backed groups have regularly attacked American bases in Iraq and Syria, injuring dozens, the Houthis in Yemen have seized a container ship and frequently launched missiles, including a ballistic missile last weekend that aimed at a US warship in the Gulf of Aden. The US has issued a warning to commercial shipping in the Indian Ocean.

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