The aftermath of an Israeli attack on Syria's Latakia port in December 2021

For The Second Time In Two Days, Israel Hits Iranian Targets In Syria

Tuesday, 10/03/2023

An Israeli air strike late on Monday hit Iran-linked targets in Syria’s Deir al Zor eastern region, in the second such attack in two days.

Syrian government sources said, "At about 23:50 p.m. on Oct. 2, the Israeli enemy launched an air attack on some of our armed forces’ sites in the vicinity of Deir al Zor, and the aggression led to the injury of two soldiers and some material losses," a Syrian military source was quoted as saying.

According to a London-based group that monitors events in Syria, a powerful explosion was heard in Katibat Al-Radar area on the peak of Harabish Mountain in Deir Ezzor countryside where the Syrian air force and Iranian-backed militia have bases.

Three other explosions were heard around positions of Iranian militias in Al-Hamida area in Al-Bokamal near the Syrian-Iraqi border, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights added, with no information on casualties.

Iranian militias have a heavy presence in these areas near Iraq, where they handle and protect shipments of weapons and men arriving from Iran. Al-Bokamal has been targeted by suspected Israeli strikes for years.

Israel began regularly hitting Iran-linked military targets in Syria in early 2017. Hundreds of attacks have been carried out in six years on bases and shipments of weapons intended to strengthen Tehran’s presence in Syria and supply missiles to its militant proxy the Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Iran got involved in the Syrian civil war in 2011 and played a key role in saving Bashar al-Assad’s regime, by financial and military assistance and with deploying thousands of Afghan and other militias recruited by the Revolutionary Guard.

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