Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani, Tehran's interim Imam for Friday Prayers

Iranian Cleric Denies Blame For Nation's Problems After Revolution

Sunday, 10/01/2023

Amid mass anti-regime sentiment expressed by Iranians, a cleric has refuted the notion that the country's problems can be attributed to the 1979 Revolution.

Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani, Tehran's interim Imam for Friday Prayers claimed, "Such claims are unfounded, and the public does not subscribe to them. People recognize [Ayatollah Ruhollah] Khomeini as a divine and spiritual figure who dedicated himself to service."

He asserted that these "rumors are fabricated and promoted by adversaries," showing his lack of awareness about the general sentiment in Iran or simply repeating regime rhetoric.

The term "enemy" is a commonly used descriptor by Iran's leadership, including Ali Khamenei, to refer to the United States, Israel, and their allies and partners.

Citizens increasingly blame long-standing issues such as environmental problems, water scarcity, transportation woes, brain drain, and immigration, as well as escalating inflation, on the 44-years of clerical rule. Simultaneously, growing international tensions have fueled concerns among the populace regarding Iran's relations with the world.

Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has experienced bouts of political instability, marked by protests, demonstrations, and government crackdowns, leading to a sense of insecurity and political uncertainty among the populace.

A substantial portion of the Iranian population, including millions of dissatisfied citizens taking to the streets in protest, has lost trust in the overall regime.

Iran has grappled with economic challenges, including high inflation, unemployment, and the impact of economic sanctions. Such difficulties have resulted in financial hardships for many Iranians and limited opportunities for economic advancement.

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