Iranian Pilots Readying For Migration As Drivers

A truck used for training for commercial drivers' licenses
A truck used for training for commercial drivers' licenses

A wave of Iranian pilots are seeking commercial drivers' licenses as a path to migrate abroad, says the head of the Passenger Transport Companies Union.

Ahmadreza Ameri, during an interview with ILNA, shed light on the increasing interest of individuals with higher education backgrounds, including pilots, in obtaining commercial drivers' licenses as a strategic move towards migration opportunities. He admitted, "Today, we see individuals with higher education, including pilots, who are seeking to obtain a commercial drivers' license for migration."

This unconventional career shift among pilots is driven by the realization that possessing the license opens doors to opportunities in the cargo transportation sector, enabling them to work as bus or truck drivers. Importantly, several countries are currently offering attractive incentives, including residence permits and competitive salaries, often amounting to several thousand dollars, to drivers in the cargo transportation industry.

The desire for migration from Iran has been on the rise in recent years, encompassing not only educated professionals but also individuals from various occupational backgrounds such as the healthcare sector. Several factors contribute to the trend, including political and economic instability, rampant systemic corruption, the adverse effects of sanctions, a depreciating national currency, and inflation.

The Iran Migration Observatory's latest annual outlook underscores the scale of this migration phenomenon. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands out as the host to the highest number of Iranians living abroad, with over 450,000 Iranian-born residents. This is followed by countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, as Iranians increasingly seek improved living standards and economic opportunities beyond their homeland.