Iranian actress Shohreh Ghamar

Iranian Actress Arrested Over ‘Offensive’ Social Media Posts

Thursday, 07/27/2023

Iranian media reported the arrest of renowned actress Shohreh Ghamar on charges of publishing "offensive content and unsubstantiated claims" on social media.

The news was released by the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim and Fars news agencies, who reported that Ghamar's Instagram page contained posts that included accusations and insults directed towards officials of the Iranian regime. Furthermore, she was reported to have expressed support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently underwent surgery. The actress also allegedly made calls for street protests.

Fars News Agency published some of the controversial stories attributed to Ghamar's Instagram page, one of which included a message to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wishing him a swift recovery, stating, "I prayed a lot for your health. Stay alive."

The news of Ghamar's arrest surfaced shortly after the Judiciary News Agency, Mizan, disclosed the initiation of a legal case against her at the Tehran Prosecutor's Office. Mizan cited the content posted by the actress as a cause for "the spread of psychological insecurity in society."

This incident is part of a broader pattern of authorities summoning and detaining prominent actors and public figures in the Islamic Republic during recent months.

Ghamar attracted attention for her support of Ebrahim Raisi during the 2021 presidential elections in Iran, with a video endorsing his candidacy being widely circulated. She also made a controversial statement expressing her backing for the execution of death sentences during the campaign against the execution of three protesters related to the 2019 protests.

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