Iran’s Communications Minister Issa Zarepour

Iran Claims It Welcomes Satellite Internet Service Providers

Monday, 07/10/2023

Iran’s communications minister says he welcomes the satellite internet service providers, especially Starlink, but they have to comply with the country’s territorial rules.

In an interview with semi-official Mehr news agency on Monday, Issa Zarepour claimed the objective is to open up connections to remote areas.

“Although over 4,000 villages have been connected to high-speed internet since the start of the Raisi administration, we still have about 3,500 villages that are not connected to high-speed internet, so satellite internet service providers can operate in these regions,” he said.

However, he admitted there will be strict compliance rules for any company the regime agrees to work with, meaning technical cooperation for censorship of Internet content.

Iran has made the same demand from Western social media platforms for not blocking their access.

Starlink, part of the US-owned SpaceX, is already providing internet to almost 60 countries, but for its connection to work everywhere in a large country, ground stations are needed.

The regime has for years been severely restricting internet access as well as access to popular social media platforms, such as Instagram, in particular that play a key role in supporting anti-regime sentiment and protester communications.

It has meant devastation for the millions who rely on social media to promote their businesses and hugely damaged e-commerce.

Recently, an Iranian official stated around 800 Starlink satellite internet receivers have been imported to Iran, but did not specify how, given the current sanctions imposed on the country.

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