A surveillance camera is displayed during a news conference about developments related to the IAEA's monitoring and verification work in Iran, in Vienna, Austria June 9, 2022.

IAEA Begins To Reinstall Cameras At Iran Nuclear Facilities: Grossi

Tuesday, 05/02/2023

The International Atomic Energy Agency started re-installing the removed surveillance cameras in Iran.

After Western powers introduced a resolution in June 2022 to censure Iran over its nuclear program, Iran turned off a number of nuclear watchdog cameras.

In an interview with PBS NewsHour on Monday, IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi said the agency is installing cameras and reconnecting some online monitoring systems.

The IAEA is responsible for monitoring and verifying Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, which limited the country’s nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief.

Iran has been gradually scaling back its commitments under the deal in response to the US withdrawal from the agreement and the re-imposition of sanctions.

The IAEA has been able to continue its monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program through other means, including satellite imagery, but the loss of the cameras raised concerns about the agency’s ability to detect any potential covert activities.

On March 4, 2023, Iran and the IAEA agreed to a new plan to allow the agency to reinstall certain surveillance equipment in the country.

As soon as the agreement was announced, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and IAEA offered different interpretations about what it would include, raising questions about its implementation.

Grossi did not indicate whether Iran would allow the agency to install an online enrichment monitor at Fordow where the agency detected 84 percent enriched uranium in January.

In addition, he did not address whether the IAEA would have access to the recordings made by the cameras or whether Tehran would turn over the data only if the JCPOA was restored.

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