Iran and Russia signing space cooperation agreement on December 14, 2022

Iran, Russia Sign Deal To Develop Space Industry

Wednesday, 12/14/2022

As the world expresses concerns over close military cooperation between Iran and Russia, they have signed a new agreement on cooperation in the space industry.

According to ISNA in Tehran, the two sides have agreed to jointly design and construct remote sensing and telecommunication satellites.

Joint development of infrastructure as well as holding training courses in this regard are among the other details of an agreement revealed on Wednesday.

The document was signed Wednesday by Iran’s head of Space Agency Hassan Salarieh and his Russian counterpart Yury Borisov on the sidelines of an International Aerospace Exhibition in the Kish Island in southern Iran.

Earlier in August, Iran launched a satellite called Khayyam into space from the Baikonur space station in Kazakhstan using Russia's Soyuz satellite carrier rocket.

The UK on Tuesday sanctioned 12 Russian military officials involved in missile strikes on Ukrainian cities as well as some Iranian businessmen involved in the production and supply of military drones used in the attacks.

The EU foreign ministers also lashed out at the Iranian regime Monday for supplying drones to Russia, saying the “weapons provided by Iran are being used indiscriminately by Russia against Ukrainian civilian population and infrastructure causing horrendous destruction and human suffering.”

The bloc sanctioned four people and four entities “for undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.”

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