Former State Department Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus

Reviving Nuclear Deal Will Lead To Spread Of Terrorism – Former US Official

Saturday, 08/20/2022

Former State Department Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus has denounced the Biden Administration for alleged concessions to Iran to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, JCPOA. 

Ortagus told Iran International on Friday that while the Iranian regime is in a bad situation, the Biden administration wants to provide money to the Islamic Republic which will lead to more terrorism across the Middle East and the world.

In the latest case of Congressional opposition to reviving the deal, a group of senators has introduced a bill making sanctions “permanent.” The Solidify Iran Sanctions Act 2022 would abolish the ‘sunset’ clauses in the 1996 Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) set to expire 2026.

A leaked report on alleged remarks by Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri-Kani provides details on "concessions" Iran claims to have received from the US.

As part of the new deal, Iran reportedly will release all US prisoners once $7 billion of its assets frozen in South Korea are released. Bagheri said Iran and the US had earlier agreed on this, but US reneged on its promise, assuming that the money will give Iran financial breathing room to raise new demands.

US regional allies Israel and Arab Persian Gulf States were opposed to the original JCPOA and are concerned over its revival four years after former President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement calling it a bad deal.

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