An India soldier seen on guard in a street. FILE PHOTO

Concern Rises Over An Iran-Backed Attack On Israeli Embassy In India

Saturday, 05/07/2022

Security measures are tight around the Israeli embassy in the Indian capital New Delhi reportedly over a serious possibility of an attack by Iran-backed elements, Iran International has learned.

An Israeli informed source told Iran International on Saturday that the Indian police and counter-terrorism forces have also carried out a security maneuver on the streets leading to the Israeli diplomatic mission.

During the drills, which were held to prepare for possible attacks, all streets around the Israeli embassy in New Delhi were blocked and the gunfire and explosions could be heard, according to the source.

The source also said that the Israeli embassy in the city has become one of the likely targets for militias affiliated with the Islamic Republic since last year.

The streets around the Israeli embassy in India have also been equipped with CCTV cameras and are under tight round the clock patrols.

An explosion took place near the embassy on the 29th anniversary of establishment of India-Israel diplomatic ties on January 29, 2021.

Immediately after the blast, Israel claimed that Iran was behind the attack, an allegation that was confirmed by Indian intelligence agencies. A letter was also found at the site of the explosion, claiming the attack was to avenge the killings the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani, and Abu Mehdhi Al Muhandis, who were killed in a US drone attack in January 2020, as well as an Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who died in a car bomb attack in Iran in November 2020.

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