Rep. August Pfulger (L) and Rep. Chip Roy

Delisting IRGC ‘Asinine’ – Says Iran Nuclear Deal Critic

Tuesday, 04/05/2022

The Biden administration and the Democrats are doing everything to prop up Iran “in ways that undermine national security of US and Israel,” Republican congressman Chip Roy said Monday.

The Texas representative told Iran International’s correspondent in Washington that removing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) from the list of ‘Foreign Terrorist Organizations’ (FTO) would be “a foolish, wrong-headed and complete asinine policy.” August Pfluger, another Texas representative, told Iran International “it’s very important that we stand strong against the largest state sponsor of terrorism.”

The IRGC was added in 2019 by President Donald Trump to the ‘FTO’ list, the only example of a country’s armed forces being included. Pfluger argued that the IRGC should not be removed without Congressional approval, although it was added by Trump on presidential authority.

“We need to have a say,” Pfluger told our correspondent Arash Alaei in Washington. “We need to have our voices heard. So that the administration doesn't do something that's not listening to Congress, which is what we've been pushing for.”

The question of removing the IRGC as a ‘FTO’ is reportedly at issue in Vienna talks to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action). Iran Monday said Washington’s failure to take political decisions in facing down domestic JCPOA opponents, including Republicans raising legislative hurdles like requiring Congressional support for IRGC delisting, had led to a delay in agreeing JCPOA arrival.

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