Iran Condemns Lebanon Violence, Blames Army And Israel

Gunmen on Beirut streets on Thursday exchanging gunfire. October 14, 2021
Gunmen on Beirut streets on Thursday exchanging gunfire. October 14, 2021

Iran has condemned the killing of protesters in Lebanon, describing Thursday's shootings as seditions backed by Israel, state-run Press TV said on Friday.

"Iran believes that the people, the government, the army and the resistance in Lebanon will successfully overcome seditions backed by the Zionist entity," IRNA news agency quoted the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh.

Tension over an investigation into a massive blast last year in Beirut developed into the worst street violence in more than a decade on Thursday, with six Shi'ites shot dead and gun battles reviving memories of the country's 1975-90 civil war.

Shiite protesters came out in force to stop a judge from continuing his work related to the port explosion. Unknown elements opened fire at the crowd, leading to hours of gunfire and chaos.

The official IRNA report however, said the “Lebanese Army forces attacked people marching toward the Justice Palace”. So far, no other reports have mentioned the army being responsible for the shooting.

The United States offered an additional $67 million to support the Lebanese army, US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said in Beirut on Thursday. The US has traditionally assisted the Lebanese army as the best-placed institution to maintain order in the conflict-ridden country.