Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi during the annual army parade, Tehran, April 17, 2024

Iran's Raisi Threatens Israel With 'Massive And Harsh' Response

Wednesday, 04/17/2024

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned on Wednesday that any "tiniest invasion" by Israel would face "massive and harsh" response from Iran as the two archenemies sit on the verge of war.

His threats came during an annual army parade which had been moved from its usual venue, a highway in southern Tehran, to a barracks north of the capital. Iranian officials gave no reasons for the venue change, and unlike in past years, the event was not live on state television. 

Speaking about the weekend air attack in which 350 plus drones and missiles were fired towards Israel a "limited action" and warned that in case of a more expansive assault "nothing will be left from the Zionist regime."

With the help from allies including the United States, the United Kingdom and Jordan, most of the deadly bombardment was intercepted.

The Saturday aerial assault was, Iran claims, in retaliation to an Israeli airstrike on April 1 that targeted the consulate of Iran in Syria, killing several of its staff from the Revolutionary Guards, including two generals.

Israel has not detailed its response to the Iranian attack immediately but has vowed action will be taken. Its allies called for restraint from all sides to avoid further escalation.

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