Mohammad-Mehdi Zahedi (right), the son of slain IRGC general Mohammed-Reza Zahedi, and IRGC-Quds Force Commander-in-Chief Esmail Ghaani (Qaani) during a memorial gathering for Zahedi on April 7, 2024

Son Of Slain General Says Revenge Against Israel Is Up To Khamenei

Monday, 04/08/2024

The son of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander killed by an Israeli airstrike in Syria said the family will not seek vengeance if the Supreme Leader does not call for it.

In spite of Ali Khanenei’s immediate call for action following the last week strike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, Mohammed-Reza Zahedi’s son, Mohammad-Mehdi -- himself an IRGC major -- said, "We will find reassurance in whatever Khamenei says about revenge, whether it be avenged or not, and we will obey it”.

An unconfirmed, single-sourced report is alleging that Tehran promised Washington it would not retaliate to last week’s Israel’s airstrike if Israel accepts a ceasefire in Gaza.

However, in a message released last week, Khamenei said, “The nefarious regime will be punished by our brave men. We will make them regret this crime and other ones like it, by God's will.”

The attack which also killed six others, has left Tehran grappling with its response. President Ebrahim Raisi convened an emergency session of Iran's National Security Council, but no concrete actions have been announced so far.

Iran has appealed to the UN Security Council condemning Israel's actions in a letter delivered by the nation's deputy representative to the United Nations.

However, apart from diplomatic efforts and ceremonies honoring the fallen officers, Tehran has refrained from further measures.

While some within the Revolutionary Guard circles advocate for a harsh retaliation, others, including Friday Imams, urge caution and "strategic patience."

The prospect of a direct conflict with Israel raises concerns within Iran's political and military establishment, particularly given the nation's already weakened economy.

Already, the currency rial has fallen by 30 percent since early January, and now stands close to 650,000 to the US dollar.

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