Political activist Hossein Razzagh

Iranian Activist Files Complaint Against Ministry Of Intelligence

Sunday, 03/17/2024

Hossein Razzagh, a political activist and dissident who was imprisoned until recently, has lodged a formal complaint against authorities within the Ministry of Intelligence at Evin Prison.

Razzagh's complaint, as reported on his Telegram channel, cites multiple instances of "repeated physical assaults" endured in Section 209 of the prison, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Intelligence.

Razzagh, known as one of the founders of the "Azadi Square" discussion room on the Clubhouse social network, was arrested in December 2021 at his residence in Amol. His complaint outlines his mistreatment during the 19 months of imprisonment. Particularly alarming was an incident on October 7, 2023, when Ministry of Intelligence officials and agents subjected him to severe beatings following insults and harassment.

According to the report, after the assault, Razzagh was chained with his hands and feet bound together and confined to the airlock of the detention center for several hours.

The ordeal endured by Razzagh, compounded by the confirmation of multiple physical illnesses by forensic medicine, underscores the ongoing concerns regarding prisoner torture within Iran's judicial and security apparatus.

This case adds to the broader narrative of systemic abuse, wherein prisoners face various forms of coercion, punishment, and deprivation of rights, as detailed by human rights organizations and former detainees. The urgent need for accountability and reform within Iran's prison system remains a pressing concern for international observers.

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