Pro-Iran protesters attacking US embassy in Baghdad In Dec. 2019

US Official Confirms Rocket Attack On Baghdad Embassy

Friday, 12/08/2023

A US military official told Iran International that on Friday, a multi-rocket attack was launched at US forces in the vicinity of Union III and the Baghdad Embassy Complex.

The official also said that no casualties and no damage to infrastructure was reported. Earlier, Al Mayadeen television affiliated with the Iranian government reported attacks on Baghdad's Green Zone, where the US embassy is located.

Explosions were heard near the US embassy in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone early on Friday, according to social media videos verified by Reuters.

Embassy spokespeople did not immediately respond to requests for comment when contacted by Reuters and there has been no official US announcement yet. Social media reports also said sirens calling on people to "duck and cover" were activated.

It was not immediately clear whether the embassy's air defense systems were activated or whether there was damage.

US forces at military bases in Iraq and Syria have faced more than 70 attacks since mid-October claimed by an Iran-backed umbrella organization of Iraqi Shi'ite Muslim armed groups, though diplomatic missions have been spared. The US military has retaliated against militant targets on a few occasions.

Yemen’s Houthis, backed by Tehran, have also launched attacks on commercial shipping and US naval vessels in the Red Sea in the past two weeks. The US this week accused Iran of involvement in assisting the Houthi drone and missile attacks.

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