Iranian MP Ali-Asghar Annabestani 

Iranian MP Threatens Mobilizing Proxies As Hamas-Israel War Spirals

Tuesday, 10/17/2023

Iranian MP Ali-Asghar Annabestani has warned of the mobilization of Iran's proxies around the region should there be an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza.

While he said activating those on Israel's borders with Syria and Lebanon "is conceivable", more alarmingly, he mentioned mobilizing Iranian proxy forces even beyond Israel's borders. 

"Moreover, the entry from other fronts of the resistance, both in Iraq, like the Nujaba movement and the Popular Mobilization Forces, and the resistance forces in Yemen, is conceivable to enter the field and deliver an unforgettable blow to the Israelis," he said.

His statement underscores Iran's commitment to support various terror groups aligned with its interests in the Middle East and their potential involvement in the war.

Mohammad Hossein Asfari, another Iranian MP, revealed the depth of Iran's involvement in the conflict through its proxies, which it terms 'resistance forces', even though it continues to deny responsibility for Hamas' war on Israel which broke out on October 7. Iran-backed Hamas terrorists infiltrated by land, air and sea, killing hundreds of civilians including babies and families.

Asfari claimed: "We are prepared for all scenarios, and responses [to a ground invasion] have been pre-planned. If they step one meter into the Gaza borders, the resistance forces will undoubtedly execute the predefined scenarios in various parts of the world."

On Tuesday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz joined other western nations including the US and UK in issuing a direct warning to Hezbollah and Iran not to intervene in the ongoing conflict.

"Together with our allies, we as the German government are doing everything in our power to ensure that this conflict does not escalate further," he added.

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