Siamand Shaboi, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran killed by the regime in July, 2023

Iran Regime Assassinates Another Kurdish Opponent Near Erbil

Thursday, 07/13/2023

The Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran says with the assassination of another of its members the number of people killed by the Iranian regime reached three since last week.

"Siamand Shaboi, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran and a resident of Shanu city, was assassinated by the terrorists of the Islamic Republic in Baherka district near the city of Erbil, the capital of [Iraq's] Kurdistan Regional Government,” read a statement released on Wednesday.

"The Democratic Party expresses its condolences to his family and condemns this terrorist act of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

According to Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, the body of Shaboi, was found in an unfinished building 10 kilometers from Erbil, around noon on Wednesday.

The political activist who had found refuge in Iraq was found dead with several bullets in his back, according to Hengaw's sources.

A close relative of Shaboi told Hengaw that "he had disappeared since yesterday [Tuesday] evening. He disappeared in a completely unprecedented manner. We hold the terror teams of the Islamic Republic of Iran responsible for this assassination."

The Iranian government had threatened Shaboi many times over the past few years, and recently his two brothers and his 14-year-old son were arrested.

A week ago, the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran said two of its forces were killed by the Islamic republic agents in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Last year, the party was the target of IRGC artillery attacks during the nationwide uprising against the Islamic Republic.

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