A protester holds a placard that reads “Negligence, Bullets, Execution is the share of Baluch people in Iran” during Friday prayers in the city of Zahedan on June 16, 2023.

Iranians In Zahedan Hold Anti-Regime Protests For 37th Consecutive Week

Friday, 06/16/2023

The people of Zahedan from the Baluch Sunni minority in southeastern Iran once again on Friday protested against political repression and the execution of citizens.

Images on social media show people holding placards bearing slogans on the 36th consecutive Friday of protests against the Islamic Republic.

“Negligence, Bullets, Execution, the Share of Baluch People In Iran," read one of the placards.

Since protests started nine months ago following the death of Mahsa Amini in custody of hijab police, regime forces have repeatedly arrested Baluch citizens in large numbers as they kept their street protests alive.

The people of Zahedan have been protesting every Friday since September 30, when security forces opened fire on civilians, killing about 90 protesters.

Meanwhile, the public relations of IRGC ground force in the region reported clashes between law enforcement and Basij forces, and what it described as bandits in Sistan-Baluchistan province.

According to the report, a Basij militiaman named Ardeshir Khatibi and two armed men were killed in the shootout.

As Sunni Muslims, Baluch citizens are both an ethnic and religious minority. Estimates of the Iranian Baluch population range from 1.5 to 2 million people. The Baluch community – along with the Kurds -- has always been among the most persecuted minorities and has the largest number of people executed in the country.

Most Baluchis are executed over drug-related charges, but activists say their trials lack due process and poverty-stricken drug mules are often executed without having proper legal representation.

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