Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Hossein Salami

Iranian Lawyers To File Case Against IRGC Commander

Monday, 03/27/2023

A group of Iranian-French lawyers are preparing to file a complaint against the Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hossein Salami, in France.

Le Monde reported on Monday that the lawyers, led by Chirinne Ardakani, hope to bring to trial those responsible for crimes committed against Iranian protesters.

For the past six months, the 31-year-old Franco-Iranian Ardakani has been actively participating in the uprising of the Iranian people for their freedom, the idea of forming the group becoming apparent after the murder of Mahsa Amini at the hands of morality police.

Known as the Collectif Iran Justice, a "legal task force" consisting of around 15 lawyers, jurists, and translators, the group is preparing to file a complaint with the Paris prosecutor's office against Hossein Salami.

The head of the Revolutionary Guards and author of death threats against the pro-democracy diaspora, which the legal team claims amounts to an unofficial fatwa, should not go unpunished.

Ardakani has so far managed to win the backing of 100 members of parliament in France to support the protesters who have been sentenced to death in Iran.

At the end of March, she is going to give a speech at the United Nations Human Rights Council about the suppression of protesters by the Islamic Republic.

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