A photo showing the interior of Tehran's Evin prison

Iranian Female Prisoners Sign Petition Urging Regime To Stop Executions

Monday, 01/23/2023

Thirty female political detainees in Iran’s notorious Evin prison in Tehran, have signed an open letter demanding an end to the "unjust sentences for prisoners" and their execution.

“We, the political and ideological prisoners in the women’s ward of Evin Prison, demand an end to the execution of protesters and an end to unjust sentences of prisoners in Iran,” they say in the petition.

The women inmates including French-Iranian academic Fariba Adelkhah, the daughter of a former president Faezeh Hashemi and political activist Sepideh Qolian say their group of 30 prisoners have been “sentenced to a total of 124 years in prison through unfair and non-transparent procedures.”

Despite coming from different religious and political backgrounds, “we have come together to say ‘no’ to execution. We defend people’s right to live in justice,” reads the petition.

The letter is published in a situation that according to the Norway-based Iran Human Rights Organization at least 109 protesters arrested since mid-September are at risk of imminent execution or death sentence.

This is apart from the four protestors that the Islamic Republic has already executed on charges of "corruption on earth and war against God," without access to a lawyer and a fair trial.

In more than four months, over 500 citizens have been killed by government agents, dozens of whom were children. In the meantime, about 20,000 protesters have also been arrested.

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