US President Joe Biden speaking on July 8, 2022

Nuclear Deal With Iran “Dead” But Can’t Be Announced: Biden

Tuesday, 12/20/2022

A video published on social media shows US President Joe Biden saying the nuclear deal with Iran is “dead”, but his administration is unwilling to announce it.

This video, which was published on Twitter for the first time by Damon Maghsoudi, a software engineer living in the United States, was recorded on the sidelines of the November 4th election campaign in California.

In this video, an Iranian-American woman asks Biden to declare the West's nuclear agreement with Iran, known as the JCPOA, is “dead”.

In response, the US President clearly confirmed that the JCPOA is “dead”, but he he said he cannot announce it for “a lot of reasons”.

The Iranian woman than tells Biden, “We just don’t want any deals with the mullahs, they don't represent us,” and he replies, “I know they don't represent you, but they will have a nuclear weapon that they will represent.”

Although Biden does not give a direct answer about the “reasons” why Washington refuses to officially announce this, but concerns about Iran’s progress towards obtaining a nuclear weapon could be the main reason for leaving the door open with the Islamic Republic.

However, analysts have been saying for weeks that the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West have reached an impasse.

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