A sit-in by the students at Iran University of Science and Technology on December 5, 2022

Students Begin Three-Day Strike In Universities Across Iran

Monday, 12/05/2022

Students at several universities across Iran went on strike Monday and protested by publishing statements in support of ongoing strikes by shop owners and businessmen.

Based on reports and videos received by Iran International Tehran students in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Science and Technology went on strike to protest government persecution and arrest of students.

The students of Khajeh Nasir University in the capital also announced a three-day strike saying that “we all stand together for the freedom of our friends.”

At Tehran University's Faculty of Economics, students joined the three-day national strike saying it is “also an objection to professors who not only did not support the people, students and even their colleagues, but stood by the oppressor.”

Students in Esfahan, Shiraz, Rasht, Sanandaj and several others announced they will boycott classes on December 5, 6, and 7 to join the nationwide strikes.

President Ebrahim Raisi, who earlier announced he would deliver a speech at a university on Wednesday, has not revealed the name of the college yet in fear of protests and raliies which might target him.

Students have been at the forefront of demonstrations against Iran’s authoritarian regime within the past twelve weeks.

According to the US-based Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) at least 18,210 protesters have been arrested including 585 students.

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