Iran Targets Iraqi Kurdish People Using Missiles, Drones

Tuesday, 11/22/2022

Iran's Revolutionary Guard has once again launched attacks on Iraq’s Kurdistan region amid continuing protests in Iran’s Kurdish regions and several deaths.

IRGC targeted a base that it called "separatist terrorists" using missiles and kamikaze drones, the semi-official Tasnim news agency affiliated with the Guards said on Tuesday.

Iran accuses Kurdish groups taking refuge in Iraq's Kurdistan of fueling countrywide demonstrations that have gripped Iran since September.

“In today's operation, the base of a separatist terrorist group near Kirkuk, known as the Free Kurdistan Party, was targeted by missiles and kamikaze drones,” Tasnim added.

The news agency added that since Nov. 14 the Revolutionary Guard launched a new round of attacks against "separatist terrorists" in response to the group's alleged anti-security actions in Iranian cities bordering Iraq.

Iranian Kurdish dissident armed groups in Iraq have not taken any action during the protest and made no provocative statements.

Last week, two people were killed and 10 were wounded when rockets and drones hit the headquarters of Iranian Kurdish parties in the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq.

Since the current wave of protests began in Iran following the death in custody of young Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini, the Islamic Republic has intensified its attacks on Kurdish dissident groups based in Iraqi Kurdistan, apparently aimed at intimidating the Kurds.

Iran’s barrage of missile and drone strikes against the groups in September led to the death of 14 people, including women and children, and wounding of 58 others near Erbil and Sulaymaniyah.

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