Student protests in Iran

Iranian Students Hold Sit-Ins, Gatherings To Demand End of Repression

Monday, 11/14/2022

Student antigovernment protest movement in Iran continued Monday with university and school students expressing solidarity with their detained colleagues.

Almost two months into the uprising of against the clerical rulers, gatherings, sit-ins and demonstrations continued at campuses.

Schoolchildren across the country also kept their protest actions to show anger at restrictions and violence by the government.

In University of Qazvin near Tehran students chanted the name of political activist Hossein Ronaghi who is in custody suffering from health issues.

At Sharif University in Tehran, students staged a sit-in to protest arrests and bans on their peers.

Student Councils Union reported that 19 students at Tabriz University of Arts in northwest Iran have been banned from entering the campus and security forces are checking the students' ID cards at the entrance of the university.

A video received by Iran International shows some schoolgirls in Esfahan chanting slogans in front of the prayer Imam of the school, saying “You are a whore, I am a free woman.”

In recent weeks, university students have been holding demonstrations on campuses, demanding the end of repression in society and the university.

Also, acts of civil disobedience and protests continued at schools despite the efforts of the security forces to stop the teenagers.

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