Defying Threats Students Hold Massive Protests Across Iran

An Iranian woman standing in front of a wall on which the main slogan of the ongoing protests – Women, Life, Liberty – is seen despite the government’s attempts to cover it
An Iranian woman standing in front of a wall on which the main slogan of the ongoing protests – Women, Life, Liberty – is seen despite the government’s attempts to cover it

Less than a day after the IRGC commander threatened people to end their protests, students turned many universities into scene of antigovernment demonstrations.

Students at Universities of Tehran, Mashhad, Hamedan, Mazandaran, Sanandaj, Zanjan, Shiraz, Qazvin and several others held gatherings, strikes and sit-ins.

Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature of the University of Tehran held demonstration against gender segregation in campus cafeterias, and in other faculties students chanted, “We don’t want child-killing regime!”

Meanwhile, students of Allameh Tabatabai University staged a sit-in, protesting the suspension of 50 students and threats to expel them.

At Northern Tehran Branch of Azad University students chanted “Death to Dictator” on Sunday when the university's pro-regime Basij members attacked them.

In Qazvin, students of International University protested against widespread repressions and lack of security in the dormitories.

In Khorasan-Razavi province, students of Ferdowsi University in Mashhad chanted against campus security joining forces with government militia.

Students at Montazeri Technical Vocational University of Mashhad also held demonstrations chanting that government is killing protesters to deny that it killed Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old woman who died last month after being arrested by the Islamic Republic’s morality police for wearing “inappropriate dress.”

Also, the students at Mazandaran University in north of Iran held demos chanting slogans against regime brutalities.

Meanwhile, security forces fired tear gas and live rounds at female students of Sanandaj Technical and Vocational University who were shouting, “The blood in our veins is food for our leader,” referring to Iran’s ruler Ali Khamenei.

At the same time, students of Zanjan University gathered in the courtyard, rejecting the government’s narrative about the attack on a Shia shrine on Wednesday chanting, “These scenarios are outdated, IRGC is ISIS itself.”

On Wednesday, October 26, as thousands of people across Iran were marking the 40th day since the death of Mahsa Amini official news websites reported a deadly “terrorist attack” on a Shia shrine in the southern city of Shiraz with over a dozen dead and many injured.

In Fars province, students at Shiraz and Zand University held protests in the campus and chanted slogans such as “This year is the year of blood, Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] will be gone.”

Based on reports, Basij militia forces clashed with students in Shiraz University and the students chanted “Basiji get lost!”

Large-scale protests by Iranian students comes after the Revolutionary Guard’s hardliner commander threatened the students on Saturday claiming “this small number of students are echoing the enemy’s voice.”

In recent weeks, security forces have used all their tactics to suppress the nationwide uprising against clerical rule, especially at universities.