The school in Ardabil in northwestern Iran where security forces have beaten schoolgirls to death

Another Schoolgirl Beaten By Iranian Security In Critical Condition

Wednesday, 10/19/2022

Another girl from the ‘Shahed’ school in the city of Ardabil, where security agents beat students killing one last week, is in critical condition due to a head trauma, Iran International has learned. 

According to reports obtained by Iran International, Iranian plainclothes agents raided a girls' high school in Ardabil, northwest of Iran and an Azari speaking city October 12, injuring at least 10 students and arresting seven others. 

One schoolgirl, identified as Asra Panahi, died of internal bleeding. Reportedly, the government was trying to force the schoolgirls to participate in a pro-regime rally to force the students to sing the propaganda song “Hello Commander” in praise of Iran’s ruler Ali Khamenei, but when some students refused, Basij militias showed up, beating and assaulting the girls. 

Human rights activist Yashar Hakkakpour has told VOA that in addition to Asra Panahi, two other students, identified as Aytak Mikaili and Hana Dourdouzani, were also killed during the clampdown on the schoolgirls. He claimed that the girl who is now hospitalized in ICU is Anita Khojasteh. He added that 80 students were taken to hospital in 11 ambulances following the attack by the regime’s agents.

Hardliner news agencies published video of an interview with the uncle of the dead girl, who said she had died of a congenital heart condition at home.

School children have been also protesting forced hijab after Mahsa Amini was killed in ‘morality’ police custody in mid-September. An unknown number of school students have been arrested and sent to what the government says are “psychological” rehabilitation centers, which no one has ever heard about.

On Sunday, October 16, the Coordination Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations called for the resignation of the Islamic Republic’s Education Minister Yousef Nouri amid arrests and killings of many students across the country.

Amid nationwide protests that have even mobilized Iranian high school students, the Islamic Republic authorities are removing photos of the Supreme Leader from classrooms in fear of students damaging the portraits. 

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