Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Chief Hossein Salami

Iran Threatens Saudis Over Media Coverage of Anti-Regime Protests

Monday, 10/17/2022

Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Hossein Salami has threatened Riyadh over the coverage of nationwide protests in Iran by the media it allegedly controls.

Salami claimed that Saudis are trying to provoke the Iranian youth, threatening that if they do not control their media the consequences will be unavoidable.
Speaking at a wargame staged by the IRGC ground forces near Aras region in the northwest of Iran, he said Saudis are seeking to “deceive Iranian youths by some media.”
“This is our last warning, because you are interfering in our internal affairs through these media, we told you, be careful,” added Salami.
He further said that Iran’s policy with neighbors is based on “friendship and good neighborliness” as well as “correct political interaction,” but if the neighbors endanger the security of the Iranian nation and country, Tehran’s policy will change too.
Salami’s statements are the last among several threats by the Iranian regime officials against the Persian-speaking media based outside the country like the BBC Persian, Manoto TV, Iran International and the VOA.
This comes as the clerical regime is constantly threatening families and relatives of the correspondents of these networks who reside in Iran and jams satellite television signals to limit access to their programs.
Many journalists and media activists have also been arrested in Iran after the new wave of anti-regime protests in a move to suppress the circulation of information.

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