US Says Not Focused On Pursuing Nuclear Talks Right Now

US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price
US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price

US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said Wednesday that pursuing nuclear talks with Iran "is not the US' focus right now” amid the Iranians uprising against the Islamic Republic.

In response to Iran International’s correspondent, he said, “Our focus right now is on the remarkable bravery and courage that the Iranian people are exhibiting through their peaceful demonstrations; through their exercise of their universal rights to freedom of assembly and to freedom of expression.”

"Our focus right now is on shining a spotlight on what they are doing and supporting them in the ways we can," he added.

“The Iranians have made it very clear that this is not a deal that they have been prepared to make. The deal certainly does not appear imminent,” he said, describing Tehran’s demands as “unrealistic.” “They (Iranians) go well beyond the scope of the JCPOA.”

Earlier in the day, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-NY) highlighted growing support in Congress for her bipartisan, bicameral resolution commending the bravery, courage, and resolve of the women and men of Iran who are demonstrating in more than 130 cities and risking their safety to speak out against the human rights abuses of the Iranian regime. The resolution is cosponsored by 36 Members of the House and 10 Members of the Senate.

Widespread protests across Iran Wednesday, marked by security forces' use of guns and beatings, once again showed the degree of anger against the clerical regime.