Coverage Of Nationwide Protests In Iran On October 1

A video grab from protests in Tehran on October 1, 2022
A video grab from protests in Tehran on October 1, 2022

Iran's regime faces a multi-flank attack today, with student protests turning into general unrest, and rallies taking place in 150 cities around the world.

Protests and strikes at around 100 universities Saturday morning turned into street demonstrations as students left the campuses and moved into streets.

Universities were scenes of strikes, as classes resumed on the first day of the week. Students entered campuses but refused to attend lectures. Instead, they began protesting. By early afternoon they began moving into streets and ordinary people joined them, in waht appears to be general unrest in the capital Tehran and other cities.

Crowds outside university gates were present to support the students since the morning but their numbers grew in the afternoon, as videos from the capital showed.

Saturday was the first day in the two-week-old antigovernment movement when large numbers of protesters came into the streets during the day, instead of the usual evening and night hours. This shows a higher degree of defiance and self-confidence by the people.

A general strike also commenced in Kurdish towns and cities in the west of the country and more street demonstrations are expected throughout the day and especially in the evening.

The killing of dozens of Sunni Baluchi protesters in Zahedan, southeast Iran on Friday, shocked the country and was the first mass killing in one location since the protests began two weeks ago. It intensified demonstrations Friday evening that began on September 16, when Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman died in hospital after receiving fatal wounds in the custody of Iran's hijab police.

A social media account has claimed 42 people were killed on Friday and has published their names.

Rallies in support of Iranian protesters already took place in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Jakarta on Saturday and many large gatherings are taking place in Europe and later in North America.

Here we will provide live coverage of street protests, by posting news and tweets as we receive them.

Follow our website for the latest on Iran protests.

This live coverage ended at 01:00 Iran time on Sunday.


Protest in Shahrekord Saturday night, a city southwest of Esfahan.


People in Arak, central Iran were in the streets Saturday night chanting, "This year is year when Seyyed Ali will bo done," referring to Iran's ruler Ali Khamenei.


Protesters in Rasht, a major city innorthern Iran chant, "Death to the dictator".


Reports on social media say that security forces raided the dormitories of Tabriz University and arrested around 30 students. Regular police has no right to raid a university, so it is believed IRGC forces might have been involved dressed as police forces.

Another video showing the noise and people in the streets in Tehran, with protesters chanting "Death to the dictator."


Social media reports from Tehran say protesters are everywhere in the sprawling city of 8 million, but the evening news from state TV said the city is calm and quiet. Karaj, 20 miles west of Tehran is also full of protesters.

There are also protests in Iran's second largest city Mashhad Saturday evening., which is an important religios center. Gunshots were also reported in Mashhad, which is controlled by a hard-liner cleric who is the father-in-law of President Ebrahin Raisi.


Protests in Kermanshah, western Iran Saturday evening. News and videos from provoincial cities are expected later as internet disruptions by the government make it hard for people to post on social media.



Protesters in Tehran pulled down two street signs on Saturday; Palestine St. and Islamic Republic St.


This video obtained by Iran International shows an afternnon protest in a Tehran district where people are shouting, "Death to the dictator".



Businesses at Tehran's old commercial street, Lalehzar, closed their doors and joined the protests at 17:00. They are shouting, "This year, is the year of blood, Seyyed Ali will be gone", referring to Ali Khamenei.


A tactic women use to attract attention to the protests is taking off their headscarves and walking among cars in the city traffic. This is in Tehran.


Saturday - A daytime protest in Tabriz, northwestern Iran.


Saturday afternoon in Iran. Crowds march in streets and chant slogans against the Islamic Republic. This the first major daytime protests in the capital.


A crowd of mainly women protesting at a subway station in central Tehran, chanting among other slogans, "Death to the dictator".


Thousands of protesters are in the streets of the capital Tehran. In this video you can see a march in Keshavarz street in the early afternoon.

A video showing protests in Tehran's Palestine Street, near the headquarters and home of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

A second video from ongoing protests in Tehran.


Saturday midday in the University of Esfahan.
