Coverage Of Iran Protests On September 19

A large crowd of protesters in Tehran confronted by anti-riot forces, Sept. 19, 2022
A large crowd of protesters in Tehran confronted by anti-riot forces, Sept. 19, 2022

Large anti-government protests spread to the center of Iran’s capital Tehran Monday, as enraged demonstrators chanted slogans and were met by security forces.

Throughout Monday fierce protests took place in Western Iranian cities and towns mainly in Kordestan (Kurdistan) Province, after a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini died Friday from severe brain injury at the hands of the Islamic religious police for her improper hijab.

Mahsa Amini was from the Kurdish majority town of Saqqez who visited Tehran last week where she was detained and assaulted by the hijab police. She was taken to hospital on September 13 in a coma and died on Friday.

Police forces fired at protesters in Divandarreh, Kordestan, where at least 10 people were injured, and there were clashes in Saqqez on Monday.

At the same time, people in Tehran and the central city of Esfahan (Isfahan) began protests with bouts of clashes with security forces.

There were also large gatherings on some university campuses in the capital, where Revolutionary Guard’s Basij members attacked congregating students. In one video, a group of students stand outside the office of their university’s cleric, most probably the representative of the Supreme Leader at the university, chanting “Mullahs Must Get Lost” as the cleric is watching them through his window.

There were also strikes in Kurdish populated areas and people send videos to Iran International showing security forces firing and residents opening their doors to shelter protesters.

Protests in Tehran came to an end in the night, but local reporters said that both size of the crowd and their determination to resist the security forces were unexpected. One reporter estimated that at least 10,000 people had gathered in Tehran's center.

Below, we offer our readers a glimpse of event that took place on Monday. We will resume live coverage of events on Tuesday. Our current coverage ended at 01:00 Theran time, September 20.


Hengaw, a Kurdish human rights group, reported late on Monday local time that six protesters, including four teenagers, were injured by security forces in Mahabad, a Kurdish majority city of around 170,000 in West Azarbaijan Province.


23:10 Local time - Iran International has learned that a protester shot by security forces in Saqqez, Kordestan Province today has died of his injuries. Saqqez is the hometown of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old woman who died on Friday of injuries she received in police custody.


23:00 Local time - Iranian reporters in Tehran say that mobile internet is down in the capital amid anti-government protests. The government frequesntly interrupts internet connection during protests to prevent news and videos from reaching the outside world and also hindering communication among residents.


The European Union’s External Action arm of the Diplomatic Service has issued a statement condemning the death of the 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody last week. “What happened to her is unacceptable and the perpetrators of this killing must be held accountable,” the statement said on Monday.


21:40 Local time - Protesters in Tehran have remained on Keshavarz Boulevard and are still chanting against Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. They torched one of the motorbikes used by the anti-riot police in the area.


21:30 Local time - Kurdpa, a Kurdish rights group, has identified two of the four protesters killed by security forces in Divandarreh in Kordestan Province as Fouad Ghadimi and Mohsen Mohammadi. Both men passed away in hospital in Sanandaj, capital of the province, this evening.

21:10 Local time update - In the religious city of Mashhad in northeastern Iran protesters who took to the Mellat Park and streets of Vakilabad district earlier today are chanting “Down with the Dictator”, “Our IRIB (state broadcaster), Shame on you!”, “May your soul rest in peace Reza Shah” and “We don’t want to wear headscarves”. Mashhad is Iran's second-most populous city with a population of over 3 million and home to the shrine of the eight imam of Shiites. President Ebrahim Raisi who hails from Mashhad is son-in-law of Ahmad Alamolhoda, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative in the Khorasan Razavi.


Some social media reports say security forces fired at people in Rasht and a protester has been shot. Protests began in Rasht, capital of northern province of Gilan, earlier this afternoon and have continued into the evening.
Protesters in Rasht who took to the city’s main square have been chanting “Shame on you Khamenei, Leave the country alone”, “Death to Khamenei”, and “We don’t want Islamic rule” and telling the Basij militia to “get lost”.


Earlier on Monday students of several major universities in the capial, including Tehran University, staged rallies and marches inside university campuses. “We are all Mahsas, “Fight us and we will fight back [till we win]”, students of Tehran University shouted. Students also chanted against the IRGC’s Basij militia and clashed with Basijis.


18:15 Local time - Social media users have posted photos and videos of women in Tehran who removed their headscarves and waved them in the air and a motorcycle belonging to security forces burning on the corner of one of the streets.


In Divandarreh, a small town of around 25,000 in Kordestan Province, security forces opened fire on protesters and used tear gas around mid-day. An informed source told Iran International that at least four people have been killed as security forces opened fire with live bullets at protesters in the city of Divandarreh in the western Kurdistan province.


18:00 Local time - Protests in Tehran began from Hijab Street off Keshavarz Boulevard in central Tehran as announced by women’s rights activists Sunday evening. A video taken at Keshavarz Boulevard near Tehran University, shows police and special forces violently shoving protesters and hitting them with batons to disperse them.

“Down with the Dictator” and “We will kill the ones who killed our sister”,thousands of protesters chanted in Tehran.