The Elahiyeh neighborhood in Tehran

Afghan Cleric Sent To Iran As Diplomat Cannot Find Housing For Large Family

Saturday, 05/28/2022

An Afghan cleric sent to Iran as a diplomat cannot find housing for his 15-member family of three wives and 12 children, Afghanistan International TV reported Friday.

The man, Mufti Alim Noorani, with no diplomatic experience or general education has been appointed as third secretary of Afghan embassy in Tehran.

Afghanistan International published copy of a letter the embassy sent to Kabul, saying that none of the mission’s housing facilities has enough space for the 16-member family. The embassy has several residences in Elahiyeh district of Tehran, an affluent area.

In the letter the embassy requests $2,300 a month for renting an appropriate residence for Noorani, which together with real estate fees would total $28,750 for the year.

Since the Taliban seized power last August, poverty and hunger have gripped Afghanistan, with international organizations issuing warnings and other countries discussing how to aid the isolated government.

The United Nations has said that 98 percent of the population is under-nourished, while most Western assistance has been stopped after the Taliban takeover.

The new rulers, who used widespread violence against civilians to weaken the elected government and come to power, had promised to form an inclusive government, but so far all important posts have been given to trusted members of the secretive group.

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